Saturday, September 09, 2006

Try sign language next time

[It was late and Brianna was having a friend sleep over in her room after a long birthday party...]

Laura: "Brianna, it's way past your bedtime. You need to lie down and go to sleep."
Brianna: "I can whisper to Richard."
Jack: "No, Brianna, no whispering, no talking. Just go to sleep."
[Her night-time music is playing...]
Brianna: "I can sing!"
Laura: "No singing, talking or whispering. Just be quiet and go to sleep."
Brianna: "I can whistle!"

[At this point we just hurried out of her room so we could laugh...]

Friday, September 01, 2006

Ouch, ouch, ouch

[Laura was combing Brianna's hair...]

Brianna: "Ouch, ouch, ouch!"
Laura: "What's the matter, Brianna?"
Brianna: "Nothing. I just wanted to say 'ouch'."